
asked questions

+ How to get started

1. Select from the 3 options provided (Online Coaching, Training Programs, Nutrition Template)

2. Complete online coaching questionnaire form (More detail provided the better)

3. Contact will be made via email to further clarify any information provided on the questionnaire form.

4. A 3 day food log will need to be completed to gather data on current nutritional habits and intake.

5. At the end of the 3 day food log you’ll receive the updated plans, ready to start your journey.

6. If online coaching is selected you will receive further explanation of the coaching process moving forward once plans are sent through.

+ How many days per week are the programs?

Each program will be prescribed based on the answers from your online coaching questionnaire. Typically programs range from no less than 2 and no more than 5 sessions per week.

+ What if i'm not sure how to execute an exercise?

There will be videos explaining execution for each exercise prescribed on your program. I also recommend using my knowledge to your advantage and sending through videos of your training so I can sign off on what you're doing well and help troubleshoot what could be improved.

+ Can changes occur after the program is sent through?

Ideally programs will remain the same throughout the 4 week training phase. If injuries occur some changes can be made to help alleviate making things worse.

+ How often is the nutrition updated?

Based on check ins your nutrition targets may or may not be updated weekly depending on progress. If all is going well and everything is moving in the right direction nutrition will remain the same. If changes need to be made to your nutrition to keep progress moving forward, they will be made.

+ Do I have to track my nutrition?

Ideally yes, throughout the coaching process each weekly check in I will go over your MyFitnessPal Diary so we can accurately determine what's working and what can be improved. This way you also have the freedom to enjoy the foods you love and meals out with friends/family without worrying about sabotaging progress.

+ Do I have to take supplements?

No, I always recommend getting the majority of nutrients through daily nutrition eating a wide variety of fruits/vegetables with meals. Although my baseline recommendations are Vitamin-D, Magnesium and Creatine, for health, training performance and recovery.

+ Will training programs be suited to me?

Yes, all programs are personalised to your needs, circumstances and current goals.

+ How often are training programs updated?

Each of your training programs will be updated every 4 weeks to consistently provide a new stimulus for your body to adapt to.

+ What if I don’t have access to a gym?

Every program is personalised to you. Send through photos of your current training space and/or equipment alongside the filled out questionnaire. Regardless if you only have access to bodyweight, bands or dumbbells progress can still be made.

+ What's involved with my nutrition?

You will receive a personalised meal template based on your current goals, food preferences and protein/calorie targets to achieve the results you desire.

+ Do I have to follow the template provided?

No, meal templates are to be used as a suggestion whether or not you follow them is totally up to you. What’s most important is you are consistent with your protein and calorie targets.

+ Do I have to use protein powder?

No, although highly recommended as protein powder can be extremely convenient for hitting protein targets, relatively easy to digest and can add a lot more variety to your daily nutrition via use with different flavours, recipes etc.

+ How will payments be made?

Payments are direct debit through Stripe. If online coaching each payment will be taken out at the same date of each month.

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